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New Year, Who dis?

So, a few days late per usual, I’ve been thinking about the year past, and looking at what I want to do (or do differently) this next year.

I don’t do resolutions, but I do like to use this as a time to focus in on my major goals so that I can put some attention to them.

Business-wise I have a few goals to narrow some focus in my private practice and get on board with my coaching, which is coming along. Slowly, per usual. But totally *On Brand* as a late bloomer. It takes me a bit to settle in on what’s going to fit, and there’s just no rushing that process. I'm leaning into it.

I’m also looking to possibly move in 2023, so working to get my finances in order, which includes setting some goals, focusing on budgeting for both home and business.

Budgets… gah! The bane of my life. I’ve never been that great at it. But, trying again, though I have a little bit of a reframe which I think might help. And that’s to focus on the end goal (moving), and focusing on the real important piece, which is being more intentional on what I spend money on.

As someone who was poor growing up, budgeting was not really a thing we focused on. Honestly, one of the joys of my life the past few years has been buying groceries without adding the totals as I shop. Definitely a privilege.

But now I’m working to be happy with what I have, buy with less waste.

Maybe try to get some dopamine from other sources.

Dopamine, you elusive devil!

We will see how it goes! I did get a great planner, from Clever Fox, which is helping me plan my expenses, do a bit of tracking in a fun way, because STICKERS! (Ahhhhhhh, dopamine!!!)

I also have made the decision to grow out my hair color and let it go grey.

Sort of.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I finally took it into my own hands (with a YouTube tutorial and a pair of hair shears from Amazon) to cut my own hair. I whacked off almost 12 inches of length. I liked it long, but various health issues caused it to be thin, and my hair is usually relatively thick, so it was just... not great. So off it went!!

I’ve really enjoyed short hair, but the constant coloring has been tiring me for a while. I want to let the grey and what’s left of my natural color (some shade of brown, if memory serves!) grow out, but the transition is going to be… something.

On the bright side, a good friend of mine is also growing hers out, so we will be going grey buddies during the process. I have a plan of sorts involving headbands and hats until it’s long enough to cut somewhat short enough to be rid of the Red.

The goal (and the reason for the *sort of* going grey), is that I’ve always wanted to be able to temporarily color my hair various shades at will. So goodbye Feria Cherry Crush, and hellooo pink, purple and/or blue. Or maybe that super fun silver/blue.

I’m hoping to get there in under 9 months, but we’ll see.

And lastly, continuing to work on health improvements. My hormones are all about town these days and so I’ve been back working on my thyroid levels. It should not be this hard, yet, finding a provider that knows what it’s all about has been categorially difficult, which is why I jumped ship a few years back. Total frustration.

But I’m working with a new doctor, and I don’t have a ton of hope, but what I do have is a backup plan.

Maybe this year, after struggling for 17 years I can finally get it done!

And lastly, my words for this year:




I’m holding on to those hard right now and will reevaluate at the Spring Equinox and see how I feel about them.

They’re good words.

Let’s see how they play out.

What are your thoughts on this year? Just getting by? More naps? I'd love to hear them!

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